Immune Refocused PCV2 Vaccine


bmi 2020logomerge 
Biological Mimetics, Inc. (BMI”) was formed in 1996 to commercialize innovative pharmaceutical products to improve the quality of life and overall state of public health by combating resistant and emerging diseases in human and veterinary medicine.

BMI has focused it efforts on the development of novel biologics that will address a long list of hitherto intractable disease targets involving viruses, bacteria, parasites, and cancer.

BMI has developed two technologies for the design of improved vaccine: (1) the Immune Refocusing Technology and (2) the MDP-UVC Technology

The Immune Refocusing Technology (IRT) seeks to design vaccines that stimulate improved cross-protective immunity against evolving and emerging pathogens  The technology identifies epitopes that stimulate strain-restricted or non-protective immunity. By introducing rationally-designed mutations, the functions of these epitopes are disrupted and the immune system recognizes more highly conserved and otherwise protective sites. BMI and its collaborators have derived proof-of-concept data in applications to vaccine against influenza, HRV, HIV, and now PCV2.

The MDP-UVC technology is used to produce whole-virus and -bacteria vaccines for selected pathogens. UVC and radiation exposure have been used for decades to sanitize and disinfect medical and laboratory materials. Standard irradiation of viruses and bacteria result in destruction of protective epitopes due to oxidative damage to external amino acid residues. The MDP-UVC technology solves this problem by using a powerful antioxidant complex (MDP) to protect these important antigenic sites. The technology has resulted in the development of an improved inactivated polio vaccine ultraIPVThe method is quick, easy, and reproducible.  ultraIPV is less hazardous to manufacture than traditional IPV vaccines. Because of the reduced epitope damage, many more doses of ultraIPV can be produced per milligram of virus leading to reduced manufacturing costs and greater supplies. To learn more about ultraIPV and this technology, please go to one of BMI's other websites: